INVESTIGATIONs of Bio-Inspired Model SYstems
Investigations of exciton dynamics i.e., delocalization, diffusion lengths, and transport rates in highly uniform artificial light-harvesting antenna will provide fundamental insights into exactly how supramolecular assemblies, such as those found in photosynthetic organisms, capture and transport energy with such incredible efficiency.
Due to the complexity of natural lipid bi-layer membranes, it remains a challenge to elucidate detailed mechanisms of fundamental cellular processes e.g., membrane hemi-fusion. Towards a molecular level mechanism of membrane fusion, we monitor a biomimetic hemi-fusion process in artificial, self-assembled bilayer assemblies.
High Precision MicrofluidicS
Microfluidics enables us to observe how fluids behave and manipulate sub-micron volumes, allowing quick, cost-effective, and highly precise chemical synthesis of shape- and size-controlled polymer, plasmonic, and hybrid nanoparticles.
Super-Resolution Microscope
Our combined AFM, confocal microscope, and near-field scanning optical microscope allows us to directly probe materials’ topgraphical, mechanical, and structure-dependent optical properties with sub-diffraction resolution!
Ultra-Fast Spectroscopy
Time-resolved spectroscopic techniques i.e., transient absorption and time-resolved photo luminescence spectroscopy allows us to unravel details of how energy and electron transport in materials evolve over ultra-fast timescales.